Instruction to Author

About the Journal: The "Journal of Bioresearch" is a peer reviewed half-yearly Journal published by the Board of Editors of Northeast India. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles and short communications on biodiversity, basic and applied research on plants, animals and microbes, biotechnology and natural products chemistry. Two issues of the Journal will be published in January and July in every calendar year.

Submission of manuscripts: Original research articles, review articles and short communications on biodiversity and related aspects not been published earlier will be considered for publication. Manuscript should be submitted online at email:; All the manuscripts should be prepared/typed in double space in English in MS Word with Times New Roman font style. All the pages should bear the page numbers except figures and tables. The corresponding author should clearly mention the address of affiliating institute for further correspondence with telephone number and email ID.

Format of manuscripts: The manuscript should contain the title, name of the author/s, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and References.

How to prepare and submit the manuscript (Original Research Article):

    1). The manuscript should be submitted in MS-WORD excluding figures and tables.

    2). Abstract should contain 250 words. It should be written on brief background of the research, methods, results and conclusion. Subheading and reference must not be included.

    3). Introduction of the manuscript should be brief and focussed on the gap and objective of the research. Pertinent references should be incorporated.

    4).Result section must be written separately.

    5).Discussion section must be written in a separate section on the basis of results.

    6).Tables should be submitted in separate MS-WORD file.

    7).All graphs must be submitted in PPT (PORTRAIT) format in separate file.

    8).Photographs should submit in high resolution JPEG format in separate file.

    9). Figure legends should be submitted in separate MS-WORD file.

    10). Key words should be arranged in alphabetical order.

    11). Follow the pattern of writing references as per Journal of Bioresearch.

    A full length manuscript accepted for publication shall be published in the form of Original Research Article. Original research article should contain maximum 4000 words excluding references.

Review article: A review article should contain maximum 7000 words excluding references. Abstract of review article should contain the aims, objectives and findings. It should also include the significance of the study and brief concluding remarks as future direction of the research. Author(s) should write conclusion of the review article in a separate paragraph. Abstract should contain 200-250 words.

Short communication: Short communication should contain 1500- 2500 words. Abstract of short communication should contain minimum 150-200 words. Title, author(s) name and affiliation, key words, manuscript text, acknowledgements and references should be presented similar to original research article.

Title: Suitable title should be given in 16 font size and all the first letter of the words except prepositions should be in capitals. The title should be limited to 30 words.

Name of author(s) and affiliation: Name of authors should be numerically super scribed as per institutional affiliation. Institutional affiliation should include the name of institution, address, PIN code and name of country. Author(s) name and affiliation should be in 12 font size. The name of corresponding author should be marked with asterisk with mention of Email ID and contact number.

Key words: Key words should be minimum 6 (six) and not exceed 8 (eight) words. Words should be alphabetically arranged separated by comma.

Abstract :Abstract should contain background of the research. Its should also reflect brief methodology, results and their significance with a concluding remark. Abstract shall have to be written in 250 words.

Text: Text of the manuscript should consist of Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussions. Introduction should clearly state the rationale and significance of the work. Relevant previous literature should be cited to strengthen the discussion and should conclude stating concisely the significance of the work. There should be a brief technical description of the methods adopted for the investigation but a detailed description is required for new methods. Results should contain the findings/observations of the experiments/test carried out and should be illustrated with tables and figures. Discussion should reflect on the importance of findings of the work corroborating with those of others, with a solid conclusion. Vernacular name should not be in italics. Author(s) may acknowledge those who helped or supported the work within 50 words.

Tables and Figures: All the tables and figures should be numbered and cited sequentially in the text. Tables should be presented in MS- Word. Graphs should be presented in Black & White power point or MS-Word. Photographs, either black & white or multicoloured must be given in JPEG file format. Figure legends should be typed on separate pages. Legends to the tables and figures should contain sufficient details to interpret them without referring to the text. All units used should be in SI units.

References: The references should be listed in alphabetical order. Personal and unpublished data should not be included in the reference list. Name of the journal should be abbreviated as per ISSN database in the reference section. The references should be prepared in the following format:

Journal article

Meyers N, Mittermier R, Mittermeier C, Da Fonseca G and Kent J. 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation prioritiess. Nature. 403(1): 853-858.

Vianna GSB, Bandeira MAM, Moura LC, Souza-Filho MVP, Matos F JA and Ribeiro RA. 1998. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the tannin fraction from Myracrodruonu rundeuva Fr. All. Phyto. Res. 11 (2): 118 -122.

Book, Book chapter, Proceeding etc.

Guraya SS. 1985 Biology of ovarian follicles in mammals. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Pp: 221-227.

Archibong AE and Abdelgadir SE. 2008. Pharmacotoxicologic factors and reproduction. In: Reproduction in farm animals, 7th edition. Eds. Hafez ESE and Hafez B. Blackwell publishing, USA. Pp: 331-340.

Rouke SO, Kim P and Polavarapu PH. 2009. Solar Photovoltaic Industry: Looking through the Storm. Deutsche Bank Report available online at:

Young CA, Jordan TS and Jordan KM. 1995. Cyanide remediation: current and past technologies. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Resources. Pp: 104-129.

Review procedure and editorial policy: All the manuscripts shall be given to a relevant member of the Editorial Board, who will decide whether the paper merits review. Those papers which have technical problems and /or fail to meet the Journal’s standards will be returned to the authors. Papers relevant to the Journal shall be typically reviewed by two or three independent referees. Afterwards, the editor will take a final decision whether to accept the paper without revision, accept with revision, return with suggestions for resubmission or reject based on the referees’ comments. Manuscripts returned to the authors for revision should be resubmitted to the editor within two weeks from the date of receipt of the same; if received afterwards, the manuscript will be treated as a new submission and subjected to a full review process. Revised manuscripts shall also be sent for review. The editor's decision and reviewer’s comments will be comminucated to the authors within 30 to 90 days of submission and the accepted papers will be published within three months after acceptance.

Ethical policy: Journal of Bioresearch (JBIOR) aims to provide a means to communicate quality and original research work, sharing of ideas and information to scientific community and society as a whole in proper and accurate manner. Therefore, it is mandatory and strictly advised to follow certain ethics by authors to publish an article in JBIOR, editors to edit and reviewers to review the article submitted to JBIOR. The authors, editors and reviewers need to strictly adhere to following code of ethics to enhance the quality of JBIOR.

Authorship: Only individuals who made significant contribution to the work, at least a section of the work, are to be given chance of author and other individuals should be acknowledged. Authors and co-authors need to ensure the accuracy and validity of all the results prior to submission. Authors should not present results obtained by others.

Plagiarism: Reproduce of text from other papers without proper credit to source or produce of many papers with the same content by the same author and submitting the same paper to more than one journal concurrently is unethical and is not acceptable. Authors should acknowledge the work of others used in their research and paper. Once the article is submitted, the plagiarism shall be checked using plagiarism software available with the publishers.

Redundant publication: The author/s should not concurrently submit the same article to different journals. In case of any information on duplicate submission, the submitted article will not be considered for publication and will immediately remove from the list.

Duties of editors: After manuscript is submitted to Journal of Bioresearch, it will undergo an initial screening by the Editorial Board in order to determine whether or not the paper fits the scope of the JBIOR. If the Editorial Board feels the manuscript meets the JBIOR's minimum standards for publication, then manuscript will be forwarded for a blind reviewing process.

Peer review: Editor-in-Chief or executive editor or a designated editorial board member will forward the received papers to two experts in the field, without the name and other details of the authors. The reviewers will review as per checklist contain in the evaluation form to decide the publication. The observations and suggestions for improvement made by reviewer will be sent to the authors, without the names of the reviewers. In case of discrepancy in decision by the two reviewers to accept or reject the manuscript, the paper shall be sent to a third reviewer and then third reviewer decisions will be basis for rejection or acceptance for publication. All the reviewers of a paper remain anonymous to the authors and act independently before, during and after the reviewing process.

Corrections and retractions: The Editor-in-Chief may take decision for publication of a manuscript base on the suggestions, observations and decisions by the reviewers. The suggestions, observations and decisions made by the reviewers shall be the criteria for the acceptance and rejection of a manuscript for publication. The decisions of acceptance, improvement, resubmission and rejection shall immediately communicate to the authors.

Conflict of interest: Authors have to submit a declaration of no conflict of interest at the time of submission of manuscript. In case of any disagreement with terms and conditions for publication in Journal of Bioresearch, author should immediately communicate to Editors for decisions and Editors shall also disclose relevant conflicts of interest, if any, to their authors and readers.

Copyright: Submission of a manuscript to the journal means that all the authors of the manuscript agree automatically to give exclusive copyright to the Journal of Bioresearch, in case of acceptance of the manuscript for publication. No part of the publication may be reproduced, translated or transmitted in any form either electronically or otherwise without the prior permission of the Journal of Bioresearch. All rights of the articles published in the Journal of Bioresearch are reserved.