Abstract: Sericulture mainly aims towards the production of high quality silk yarn from mulberry and non-mulberry silkworms.
These insects belong to two different families of the order Lepidoptera, named as Bombycidae and Saturniidae as per host
plants concern. Commercial production of silk is dependent primarily on three major steps: the cultivation of larval food
plants, rearing of silkworms for cocoon formations and reeling processes for obtaining raw silkyarn.To perform all these
activities successfully and profitably thus obtaining a number of organic wastes commonly known as seri-wastes. It is interesting
to note that any kind of sericulture practising wastes can be a part of valuable utilisation in our life and for which additional
income sources have been secured to the sericulture farmers, reelers and weavers too. It is well established that wastes
generated during various steps in sericulture can also be recycled and reused appropriately. Mulberry sericulture is managed
by rural populations whereas non-mulberry sericulture is easily handled by tribal communities. So, both the agro based
productive bioresources will definitely inspire to build rural based industries in our country for better livelihood in these areas.
This article thus provides detailed information about sources and utilities of seri-wastes and advancing future researchers to
explore more useful products.
Key words: Economic gains, Industry development, Sericulture, Seriwastes, Utilities.
"A half yearly International Journal of Biological Sciences Registered in U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress"

Volume 2 , Number : 2 (July - December, 2023)
Organism's Adaptability to the Adverse Condition is Genetic or Epigenetic
Hirendra Nath Sarma
Email: hnsrgu@gmail.com
Review Article
Agro-Based Sericulture Wastes for the Development of Rural Based Industry in India
SK Nuri*1 , Somdip Majumdar2 and Salil Raha3
Original Research Article
Phytoremediation of Sewage Water for Raising Potted Plants using Lemna sp.
Sachin1 , Rohit Raj1 , Renu Kathpalia1 , Inderdeep Kaur2 *
Abstract: A large number of plants have the potential to remediate polluted water. The phytoremediated water, if not
considered too fit for drinking as per WHO standards, can be used for non-potable purposes such as watering of plants or
washing. The primary concern in water used for irrigation, is its salinity level. Since salts in water can affect both the soil
structure and crop yield, it is important to maintain a certain level of salts, an indicator of suitability of water for irrigation
purposes. The present study was therefore undertaken at Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi to remediate sewage water
generated at the college campus, for irrigation purposes using duckweed (Lemna sp), easily available in and around the study
site. Duckweed was grown for two weeks in sewage, pond and tap water taken from Kirori Mal College site. The light and
dark cycle with 6 hrs of natural sunlight was provided. After 15 days the water samples were tested for hardness, alkalinity,
boron, Ca ²+ and Na+
concentration, Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR), and Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC) at Shri Ram
Institute of Industrial Research. The untreated samples served as control. The duckweed showed maximum growth in terms
of harvested biomass in sewage water during the second week. The alkalinity in all samples showed a decrease with respect to
their control. The preliminary studies have shown that sewage water can be phytoremediated for irrigation purposes using
duckweed. The results are discussed in light of the literature available on phytoremediation by duckweed.
Key words: Duckweed, Phytoremediation, Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Sewage water, Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR), Total Salt Concentration (TSC)
Original Research Article
Preliminary Profiling of Extracellular Enzymes, Polysaccharide and Bioactive Secondary Metabolites of Pseudomonas sp. and Lysinibacillus sp. Isolated from Banana Cultivars of Assam
Jibanjyoti Panda1 , P. Vetrivelkalai2 , B. Bhagawati3 , Nibha Gupta1*
Abstract: In this present study two banana endophytes; Pseudomonas and Lysinibacillus were studied for extracellular
metabolites and enzyme. Endophytes were isolated from root of the Dwarfjehaji variety of Assam cultivars. The plate culture
and detection method through colour development was used for extracellular enzyme, organic acid production and IAA
production. Whereas, dual inoculation and solvent extraction method was followed for antimicrobial activity of these bacterial
cultures. A preliminary study on extracellular production of enzymes, polysaccharides, organic acid, IAA and antifungal
metabolites has been carried out on Pseudomonas sp. and Lysinibacillus sp. isolated from banana cultivar of Assam. Lysinibacillus
sp. exhibited enhanced chitinase activity and good mineral solubilizing activity whereas Pseudomonas sp. did not show such
chitinase activity on plate culture. Both the bacterial cultures produced exopolysaccharide and organic acids. No indication of
IAA production by both the organisms has been found. However, both Pseudomonas sp. and Lysinibacillus sp. showed a wide
range of antifungal potential. Data recorded on extracellular metabolic activity and antimicrobial activity of Pseudomonas sp.
and Lysinibacillus sp. have been found very promising and may be useful parameter for selecting both the bacteria as
bioinoculant for crop improvement of banana.
Key words: Antifungal, Chitinase, Lysinibacillus , Phosphate solubilization, Polysaccharide, Pseudomonas
Original Research Article
Rotifer Biodiversity of Gyakar Sinyik - a natural mountain lake amidst Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary
Bikramjit Sinha*
Abstract: A study was undertaken to document the diversity of Rotifera in Ganga Lake, Itanagar as no such information was
available. Plankton samples were collected quarterly during 2018-19 using a Nylobolt plankton net and Rotifera taxa were
identified with the help of standard literature. The present study recorded 16 species of Rotifera belonging to 10 genera and 7
families from Ganga lake- the first ever detail study on Rotifera from any kind of biotopes in the Himalayan state of
Arunachal Pradesh. The rotifer diversity of Ganga Lake is dominated by the tropic-centred family Brachionidae with 5 species
under 4 genera. The Laurasian origin genera Trichocerca was found to be the most dominant genera with 5 species. This study
also added 3 more taxa (Keratella quadrata, Trichocerca longiseta and Filinia terminalis) to the rotifer fauna of Arunachal
Pradesh while confirming the occurrence of 9 earlier rotifer species.
Key words: Biodiversity, Eastern Himalaya, Ganga Lake, New records, Rotifera
Original Research Article
Bumblebee Habitats as a Part of Sustainable Ecotourism: Analysis from Regional Distribution in Arunachal Himalaya, India
Nyabin Riso1 , Chihi Umbrey1 , Amarnath Karmakar1 , Hiren Gogoi1*, Daniel Mize1 , and Paul H. Williams2
Bumblebees are one of the natural resources in the region that attracts nature lovers for their beautiful colour
patterns as well as for their pollination behaviour. Therefore, to study the possibility of including bumblebees as a part of
sustainable ecotourism, quantitative assessment of the bumblebees in Arunachal Pradesh was conducted. We monitored 5-10
transects of 25 × 1 minside each of 31 grid cells of ~ 6.3 × 6.3 km planned. The study recorded 13 species of bumblebees with
the highest species richness in the western part of the state. The top three grid cells for bumblebee diversity in terms of
Shannon and Simpson indices are located in alpine meadows. All of these locations are adjacent to tourist areas. This indicates
the potential for western Arunachal Pradesh to include bumblebees for ecotourism. In addition, 19 species of forage plants of
bumblebees belonging to 12 families were recorded from the region. Principal component analysis loading score shows that
the density of bumblebees is positively associated with altitude > humidity > sunlight intensity and negatively associated with
ambient temperature.
Key words: Arunachal Pradesh, Bombus, Bumblebee, Ecotourism, Environmental factors, Forage plant, Species richness
Original Research Article
Agar Cultivation of Myxomycetes Arcyria denudata (L.) Wettst. -A potential source of secondary metabolites
Dr. Preeti Vinayak Phate*
Myxomycetes have proven to be the potential source of secondary metabolites but due to smaller size of fruiting
bodies extraction of sufficient quantity of bioactive compounds become difficult thus laboratory culture of these species is
important. The present paper describes the agar cultivation of A. denudata on 1.5 water agar medium. The species being a
potential source of secondary metabolites was cultivated in laboratory from spore to spore in 20 days. Moreover, out of
known species of myxomycetes only 10% species have been cultured so far and from those 60% species falls in order
Physarales. Arcyria denudata belonging to order Trichiales is one of the three species cultured so far in the genus and thus the
present study is apparently the first report from Maharashtra India.
Key words: agar, Alibag, Arcyria, cultivation, India, spore to spore.
Original Research Article
Short Communication
Butterflies (Insecta: Lepidoptera) Biodiversity in and around Kakinada, in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India
*Elia Bandari, M.J.S. Sai Varma and M.Gangadhar
This work includes a list of 42 species of butterflies, under 5 families, identified during a nine-month study in the
places in and around Kakinada. Out of the 42 species identified, 27 species occur in the campus of P.R. Government College,
Kakinada and the rest in the places around Kakinada. Along with the list of Butterfly species identified, their present conservation
status according to IUCN is also mentioned. Various threats to butterflies, especially in the vicinity of the study area are
discussed and their conservation measures are also suggested.
Key words: Andhra Pradesh, Butterflies, Biodiversity, Conservation, Kakinada.