Submission of Manuscripts

The authors can submit the manuscript to the Editor of Journal of Bioresearch in any one of the Email ID :- /

The Original Research Article or Short Communication must be submitted in the following format :-

    1). A Title page of the manuscript. It must include, the Title of the manuscript, Names and affiliations of the authors in sequence with proper number, email ID of all the coauthors and corresponding author. A short title of the manuscript needs to be mentioned.

    2). The Manuscript must be prepared in the following sections: Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments and References

    3). The manuscript text must be submitted in MS-WORD excluding figures and tables

    4). Abstract should contain 250 words. It should be written on brief background of the research, methods, results and conclusion. Subheading and reference must not be included.

    5). Introduction of the manuscript should be brief and focused on the gap and objective of the research. Pertinent references should be incorporated.

    6). Materials and method section should write clearly giving relevant references

    7). Result section must be written with sufficient experimental evidences

    8). Discussion section must be written in a separate section on the basis of results

    9). Tables of result section must be submitted in separate MS-WORD file

    10). All graphs of result section must be submitted in PPT (PORTRAIT) format in separate file

    11). Photographs should submit in high resolution JPEG format in separate file

    12). Figure legends should be sufficiently self explanatory and submitted in separate MS-WORD file.

    13). Key words should be arranged in alphabetical order

    14). References must be written as per Journal of Bioresearch

Review article and Scientific Reports

    The Review article should be prepared as follows:-

    1). A Title page of the manuscript. It must include, the Title of the manuscript, Names and affiliations of the authors in sequence with proper number, email ID of all the coauthors and corresponding author. A short title of the manuscript needs to be mentioned.

    2). The Manuscript must be prepared in the following sections: Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Text of the review/ report , conclusion, Acknowledgments and References

    3). The manuscript text must be submitted in MS-WORD excluding figures and tables

    4). Abstract should contain 250 words. It should be written on brief findings and conclusion. Subheading and reference must not be included.

    5). Introduction of the manuscript should be brief and focused on the gap and objective of the research. Materials and method section should write clearly giving relevant references.

    6). Text of the review/ report should be arranged sequentially with figures and tables wherever required.

    7). Tables of result section must be submitted in separate MS-WORD file

    8). Figures/ Photographs should submit in high resolution JPEG/ PPT format in separate file

    9). Figure legends should be sufficiently self explanatory and submitted in separate MS-WORD file.

    10). Key words should be arranged in alphabetical order

    11). References must be written as per Journal of Bioresearch