Abstract: In our fast paced environment, modern technology and chemical based medicine dominates the scene of medical
world. Medical breakthrough happens every second as we speak and cure for previously untreatable conditions become
feasible. However, consumption of chemical based medicines comes with a number of side effects. As a result, many have
moved back to using plant based preparations and concoctions which come with little or no side effects. Hibiscus sabdariffa is
one such plant that has been increasingly becoming popular due to its wide range of applications. Hibiscus sabdariffa is known
by different names all over the world like roselle, red sorelle, Jamaican sorelle, sorelle, Indian sorelle etc. It is mostly found in
Asia, Australia and Africa and consumed in different forms. It has been used traditionally as beverage served hot and cold, as
flavouring and colouring agent in the food industry, and as herbal tonics. Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts showed antiseptic,
aphrodisiac, astringent, cholagogue, demulcent, digestive, diuretic, emollient, purgative, refrigerant, resolvent, sedative, stomachic,
tonic, antibacterial, emollient, sedative, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, renal/diuretic effect, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and antihypertensive effects among others. Because of its extensive range of traditional applications and effects on all the above
medical conditions there is an enormous need for further investigation on this species.
Key words: Anticholesterol, Antihypertensive, Antioxidant, Antitumor, Traditional medicine.
"A half yearly International Journal of Biological Sciences Registered in U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress"

Volume 3 , Number : 1 (January - June, 2024)
Climate Change : Impact on Life and Research on Himalaya for Posterity
Hirendra Nath Sarma
Email: hnsrgu@gmail.com
Review Article
Medicinal Properties, Applications of Hibiscus sabdariffa and the Requirement for Further Exploration
Kshetrimayum Stela1 *, Oinam Jennifer2
Review Article
Role of RBPJk in Notch Dependent Signalling in Early Embryonic Development of Mice
Krishnakshi Misra* and H.N. Sarma
Abstract: Notch signalling is an intercellular signalling mechanism that belongs to a family of four highly conserved
transmembrane proteins. Its core transcriptional regulator RBPJk serves as a molecular centre for interactions with corepressor
or coactivators, which inhibit or promote transcription, respectively. It is the main protein that control the expression of the
target proteins involved in cell fate decisions by mediating signalling from Notch. Notch signalling pathway is an evolutionarily
conserved signalling system that has been proven to be crucial for cell fate specification and embryonic development of all
metazoans. Therefore, mutations or complete loss-of-function of Notch, RBPJk, and associated genes may effects on embryonic
development or sometimes also results in embryonic death. In the present study, we reviewed the previous literatures for the
better understanding of the RBPJk dependant notch signalling role in the embryonic development of the mice.
Key words: RBPJk, Notch signalling, endometrium, embryonic development
Original Research Article
Phytodiversity of Some Selected Economically Important Tree Species of Five Different Forests in Gondia District (Maharashtra), India
Dilip M. Lanje1 , Amol M. Badole1 , Ravindra B. Zode2 , Walay Y. Tagade2 , Khushal Borkar3 and Mahesh V. Kawale1 *
Abstract: Trees are one of the main component of the forest ecosystem. Many trees are used for timber purpose while
others are used for non-timber products. Rural and poor communities from villages are depend on such economically
important trees. Anthropogenic disturbances lead to reduction in the population of some important trees in natural vegetation.
However, no research had been done to know the diversity of trees in Maharashtra’s Gondia district. Hence, field data was
collected from 5 different forests in Gondia to understand species diversity and population structure of 6 selected tree species.
Study was conducted by using centre point quadrate method. Quantitative analysis documented total 3717 Trees. Terminalia
alata (1401) had shown overall dominance in all sites based on highest density, IVI and basal area. Similarly, Buchanania
lanzan (1094) and Anogeissus latifolia (923) were also found dominant at Ghumdhawda forest. In contrary, T. arjuna (38) was
least prevailing tree in all forests. Amongst all sites, Ghumdhawda forest was found to be the most diverse forest where all the
selected trees found in number. At Khairbanda, Ghumdhawda and Pangdi forests 5 (83%) out of the 6 species encountered
showed contagious distribution while 1 (17%) species had random distribution and no species with regular distribution.
Whereas in Bodhalkasa and Murdoli forests, 4 (67%) species showed contagious distribution and 2 (33%) species had random
distribution. From this study it can be concluded that except T. alata and B. lanzan, rest of all tree species are not abundant and
have poor diversity in forests of Maharashtra’s Gondia district.
Key words: Associated species, Combretaceae, Distribution pattern, Diversity indices, IVI
Original Research Article
GC-MS Analysis of Mentha arvensis L. Essential Oil for its Antimicrobial Activity by Bio-autography Assay
Savitha M Murthy * and Ranjitha M C
Abstract: The extraction of essential oil for its analysis and anti-microbial study has been in practice from so many years. The
present work in Mentha arvensis L. for its anti-bacterial activity using bioautographic technique is for the first time. The
essential oil extracted from Mentha arvensis L. was investigated for its antimicrobial activities against Aspergillus niger, Klebsiella
pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. The essential oil extracted from the sample was analyzed using GC-MS technique to find out
the presence of constituents. There are 72 identified bioactive molecules were identified in which menthol was present
predominantly followed by isomenthane, menthol acetate and D-Limonene. The sensitivity of the chemical compounds
against the microorganisms was determined by the bio-autographic assay. The oil exhibited maximum zone of inhibition as
anti-bacterial agent against Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli followed by as anti-fungal agent against Aspergillus
niger. The anti-microbial activity could be due to the combined activity of the compounds present in the oil mixture extracted
from the sample.
Key words: Bio autography, TLC, essential oil, Tetrazolium, Vanillin
Original Research Article
The Estrogenic Property of Cynoglossum zeylanicum a Traditional Female Reproductive Medicine Induces ER-β Expression in Mice Ovary and Uterus
Upasa Gowala *, Krishnakshi Misra, Archana Saikia, Sonam Doima and Hirendra Nath Sarma
In the present study methanolic crude root bark extract (CRBE) of the plant Cynoglosum zeylanicum has been
tested on adult ovary intact cyclic and ovariectimized mice. The root bark of this plant has been traditionally used by the folk
women of north east India for successful conceive and gestation. In the present study uterine histomorphology and expression
of ER-βhas been carried out by H&E staining and immunofluorescence using ER-β antibody. In contrast to the control
group, the CRBE treated females showed considerable alterations in the histoarchitecture of uterus. The treated mice showed
a significant (P< 0.5) increase in luminal surface area and glandular cell proliferation of the uterus. This indicates that the
extract may specifically target the epithelial cell to cause its effect and this proliferation supports the estrogenic potency of the
plant. ER-β has been expressed in a cell-specific manner in both the uterus and the ovary. ER-β signals has been found
strong in stromal cells of uterus in the extract treated group. In the ovary, the receptor has been localized with high intensity
in thecal cells of extract treated group. Thus, the extract could modulate the estrogen responsiveness in the stromal epithelium.
The present research work is the first in vivo and mechanistic insights of Cynoglossum zeylanicum on female reproductive
tissue to demonstrate the existence of estrogenic compounds (phytoestrogens) that modulate the expression of ER-β across
uterine and ovarian cell types.
Key words: Cynoglossum zeylanicum, Estrogen receptor β , ovariectomy, Phytocompounds, uterine histoarchitecture,
Scientific Report
Significance of Faunal Biodiversity in having Sustainable Development of Polar Region with Special Reference to Antarctica
*I. K. Pai
The planet Earth is hospitable and fit for human habitation, mainly because of its average temperature of 150C
which is due to the presence of Polar Regions. Though, technically both poles are ‘similar’, due to the geographical position of
Arctic, where northern sea is surrounded by land mass, human habitation, industries, usage fossil fuel for various activities
etc., compared to Antarctica, the temperature of Arctic region is increasing significantly at a faster rate than ever before
resulting in melting of polar ice. While, at Antarctica due to geographic position, where the icy continent is surrounded by
marine water, non-human habitation, no vehicular traffic, industries etc., melting of ice is much slower. However, Albedo
effect is becoming dangerously alarming. This also contributes to rise in global temperature and thus leading to climate change.
Added to the above, anthropogenic activities like uncontrolled fishing including whale in both northern sea and southern sea
causes serious concerns.
Key words: Antarctica, faunal diversity, sustainable development.