Editors Profile

Dr. Ajit Hazarika
Managing Editor

Degrees: M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professional Position : Principal, Tyagbir Hem Baruah College, Jamugurihat. Sonitpur, Assam- 784189. 2019- present
Fellowship / Awards
i. National scholarship of merit : Awarded by the Govt. of India session 1991 – 1992 & 1992- 1993 at Gauhati University.
ii. Summer Fellowship : Awarded by the Indian Academy of Science, 2002 at Dharwad University, Karnataka.
iii. UGC Teacher Fellowship (FIP) : Awarded by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, 2004
iv. INSA Teachers Award : Awarded By Indian Academy of Science, New Delhi, 2017
Scientific Contribution/ Teaching Experiences
1. Associate Professor of Zoology : Chaiduar College, Assam 1996-2019
2. Coordinator IGNOU from 2016 to 2018.
3. Coordinator of Career oriented programme, (UGC) from 2006 -2012, Chaiduar College
4. Coordinator Biotech Hub (DBT) from 2011 – 2016 (Institutional level Biotech Hub and Advance Institutional Biotech hub), Chaiduar College
5. Coordinator of Star College Program (DBT) from 2014 to2018, Chaiduar College
6. Coordinator of Medical Laboratory Technician under B. Voc. (UGC) from 2015 to 2017
7. Research Scholar (on going) Gauhati university.
Research Projects:
1. Research Projects funded by UGC and DBT. 09 Nos
1. Full length research article : 20
2. Books Published : 08
Membership of Professional bodies:
i. Assam Science Society
ii. Current Science
iii. Life member Zoological Congress of India
iv. Life member of National Science Congress
v. Life member of VIPNET NEWS (DREAM)
vi. Life member of Zoological Society of Assam
vii. Life member of Red Cross Society Sonitpur (Assam)