
Kaziranga National Park: Golden Moments of Conservation History of Assam Wild Heritage

Hirendra Nath Sarma
Email: hirendra.sarma@rgu.ac.in

Kaziranga, a place of central zone of Assam at the heart of Brahmaputra River. The history of the name Kaziranga (Kazi and Ranga) is only centuries old associated with various legends, while, this place has been recorded as billions of years as old as Mount Himalaya and Brahmaputra river. The Brahmaputra River, is one of the greatest river systems of the world established the human civilization thousands years back. The mighty river created the Brahmaputra valley along with its catchment basin surrounded by the Himalayan mountain range. Over the years, name has been assigned in different range of this mountain, areas of Brahmaputra basin while the nature remains same with its endemic flora fauna .
Kaziranga is a unique ecosystem linked with the lotic and lentic water system of river Brahmaputra. During summer, the whole Kaziranga is inundated by flood water washing out by flowing water from east to west. During winter, it creates the water bodies: "beel", swamp, sand dunes (Chapories), grass lands all of which are interlinked by the river tributaries. World's largest river island "the Majuli" is attached naturally and biologically with Kaziranga . An umpteen numbers of endemic species, the Kaziranga is home land of aquatic, terrestrial and avian fauna. By and large Kaziranga is famous and known across the world for One horned Rhinoceros and Royal Bengal Tigers. History of Rhinoceros in Kaziranga could be older than the human civilization in Brahmaputra valley. Along with the Rhinoceros, thousands of species of flora and fauna that have been evolved in this zone of eastern part of Mount Himalalaya and the heart of Brahmaputra river.
Kaziranga started it political history with recognition as reserve forest by Government way back of more than one hundred years in the year 1905. It grows continuously; over the decades, recognized as National Park by the Government of Assam in the year 1969. Today in 21st century, the Assam, one of the states of north eastern region of Indian Subcontinent has been glittered with Kaziranga National Park for nature conservation.
The Kaziranga National park is celebrating fifty years of its glorious history of existence for wildlife conservation. This year, the Government of Assam declared the celebration of Golden Jubilee on its successful fifty years of modern history of existence as National Park. Home of thousands of endemic species this National Park is proud of growth and development of every issues of nature conservation. Credit goes to the people of Assam who by mind and hearts show the affection to the wild life and conserved it for posterity. By the people's support and enthusiasm, the Kaziranga has been growing in its area year after year.
Kaziranga National Park is one of the world's best natural laboratories for study of conservation of ecosystem, flora and fauna in situ. The impact of global climate change could have its effects on this virgin ecosystem. An integrated multidisciplinary research is the call of the present moment for sustainable development of this unique ecosystem of sub Himalayan region.
Political patronization is an important issue and inevitable for conservation of any ecological system of the world. States in the 21st century being run by the Government, thus need legal protection of the ecosystem as well as wildlife conservation. An integrated approach of scientists for analysis of conservation issues of flora fauna, abiotic components, social workers for building awareness on need of conservation among masses and governmental organization for legal protection and management could be considered as the primary requirement of successful conservation and its sustainable development. It is believed, Kaziranga National Park has been growing with its healthy sustainable developmental process that has been attracting the international tourists to enjoy the tapestry of nature of Brahmaputra valley. People of Assam are proud of Kaziranga today and stand forward in front of the world community showing the best model of nature and wildlife conservation for posterity.
Reference :  Ghosh S. Glorius 50 years of Kaziranga. Assam Tribune, 11 February, 2024